Saturday, November 12, 2016

Questival take 2 :)

Saturday, April 9, 2016


I can't wait to tell you more!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Arizona Tears

"Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually."

Sometimes the URL of this blog is just so fitting.

I was watching a medical show the other day where this woman was in a pretty bad accident. Her vehicle was t-boned and her door took most of the impact. She seemed to be doing quite well when she first arrived at the hospital - minimal pain and just some bumps and bruises. She was taken in for a CT scan to check for internal bleeding and ended up coding on the table. The doctor explained that after the accident her body created additional adrenaline to help with the pain and shock. Due to the excitement of the ER and the stress of moving and talking, her body had not had a chance to relax prior to receiving the CT scan. During the scan, her body was able to relax, which removed the "block" of the adrenaline on her wounds. Although this woman had been perfectly fine on the outside, and although she could not feel the damage that had been done, her body was dying.

Friday, January 23, 2015


This thing happened. I was reminded that my life can motivate someone else. I love being able to motivate and inspire others, because it motivates and inspires me.

I also started listening to this awesome artist again. His name is Nick Howard and he has a song called "Unbreakable" that I am kind of in love with.

"Kick me down and break my skin, call me names call me anything. So come on try your best to hurt me, you'll never see me suffering. Cause I'm unbreakable, I'm stronger than I've ever known! I'm unbreakable. You're never gonna bring me down."

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January Update

For the two of you who read this, I will post an update (:

The last half of last year was pretty rough. I hit a depression and felt a little lost when it came to finding my way out. I had a really good friend who stuck right by my side, and together, we made it out alive (: I used Christmas at home to detox from the sugar that probably assisted in the depression, and again found joy in working out. I also made a pretty big decision..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July Update!

This is going to be an everything update. Ready?

I haven’t really been working out lately. I mean, I’ve been playing volleyball and I’ve been rock climbing, but it’s just not nearly the same intensity that I was used to. I went to a group fitness class for the first time in months last week, and I must have been the worst one there. I couldn’t believe how quickly muscle gains are lost! Instead of doing weight work yesterday, I decided to do some cardio. I almost wasn’t going to go because I couldn’t fit in a whole hour, but then I remembered something Chris Powell once told a group of us. It’s okay if you can’t workout for 10 hours a day, it’s okay if you can’t workout for 1 hour a day, it’s okay if you can’t workout for 30 minutes a day, if all you have is 5 minutes, then give your all for those 5 minutes. I had 30 minutes, so I gave my all for those 30 minutes.

And it felt GREAT!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blogging in a New Direction

I've learned something over the last 18 months.... My journey doesn't end. So I am going to expand this blog a bit. I still want it to have an overall wellness focus - but that all encompassing wellness means that I will also be writing about other topics that affect me and the people who help me feel at home. 

First, let me update you.