Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July Update!

This is going to be an everything update. Ready?

I haven’t really been working out lately. I mean, I’ve been playing volleyball and I’ve been rock climbing, but it’s just not nearly the same intensity that I was used to. I went to a group fitness class for the first time in months last week, and I must have been the worst one there. I couldn’t believe how quickly muscle gains are lost! Instead of doing weight work yesterday, I decided to do some cardio. I almost wasn’t going to go because I couldn’t fit in a whole hour, but then I remembered something Chris Powell once told a group of us. It’s okay if you can’t workout for 10 hours a day, it’s okay if you can’t workout for 1 hour a day, it’s okay if you can’t workout for 30 minutes a day, if all you have is 5 minutes, then give your all for those 5 minutes. I had 30 minutes, so I gave my all for those 30 minutes.

And it felt GREAT!