Friday, January 23, 2015


This thing happened. I was reminded that my life can motivate someone else. I love being able to motivate and inspire others, because it motivates and inspires me.

I also started listening to this awesome artist again. His name is Nick Howard and he has a song called "Unbreakable" that I am kind of in love with.

"Kick me down and break my skin, call me names call me anything. So come on try your best to hurt me, you'll never see me suffering. Cause I'm unbreakable, I'm stronger than I've ever known! I'm unbreakable. You're never gonna bring me down."

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January Update

For the two of you who read this, I will post an update (:

The last half of last year was pretty rough. I hit a depression and felt a little lost when it came to finding my way out. I had a really good friend who stuck right by my side, and together, we made it out alive (: I used Christmas at home to detox from the sugar that probably assisted in the depression, and again found joy in working out. I also made a pretty big decision..