I've learned something over the last 18 months.... My journey doesn't end. So I am going to expand this blog a bit. I still want it to have an overall wellness focus - but that all encompassing wellness means that I will also be writing about other topics that affect me and the people who help me feel at home.
First, let me update you.
I was doing great at working out, but not at nutrition. Then I was doing great at nutrition, but not at working out. Then I was doing mediocre at working out and nutrition, but I found a way to bring the social side into the mix and not completely drop the ball on everything else. I am now RUNNING forward with that momentum. I am trying to maintain the social, up the workouts, and continue the healthy eating. I actually feel really good about it this time, I am excited to figure out this puzzle and make it work. I have been trying to get my work schedule changed for the last couple of months to assist with my after work schedule. When I do my 4am workouts, I am ready to be at work by 7:30. I could just sleep an extra 30 minutes in the morning, but when I do that...I don't get up. So, I wanted to start 30 minutes early and end 30 minutes early, giving me extra time to do my evening workouts and still be able to be social - that was the missing puzzle piece. I was notified last week that my schedule has been approved! So now I have CRAZY motivation to wake up at 4am, and I am excited for these AM workouts! I am excited to work on my cardio again and to be able to out-run and out-hike the current me.
Oh, also... I broke my toe, doing pull-ups. So, while I am focused on workouts, most of them will not include me being on my toes (like push-ups, planks, and running) for another 3-4 weeks.
Here is what you can expect from the future of this blog:
- Wellness Topics: I want to learn more about healthy lifestyles that go beyond the size of my jeans. I am going to be reading and posting about overall wellness.
- Recipes: I have been trying out a lot of new recipes and I think I might be ready for the world to see how many mistakes I make before I get it right (:
- The Dating Game: See, this has been a major focus of mine for far too long. I haven't posted about it because I didn't feel like this was the right forum. Well, I'm over that. This is my story, and dating (or lack thereof) is definitely part of it.
- Musings: I think about random things, obsess about random things, and learn about random things quite often, and now I am going to tell you about them.
I hope you stick with me because I have so enjoyed writing to you over the last two years. I promise to not forget about you if you won't forget about me. I promise to write a little more often. I promise to be me, and only me, all the time (:
Me ♥