If I counted the weeks right then this would be week 52, and I started on April 22nd at week 0, and I am fairly certain there are 52 weeks in a year. So, I am either wrong about how many weeks there are in a year, I am wrong about which week I am on, or the Mayans were right. I think the Mayans were right.
Just in case you missed by facebook announcement....I HAVE LOST 100 LBS!!! I cannot even BEGIN to tell you the excitement that I felt when I got on the scale and it was FINALLY under 189.6. Even now when I am thinking about my goal for the week I'll think "I want to be under 285" and then I have to remind myself that it's 185, not 285. I am just...so happy. So relieved. So confident. So grateful for the people who have helped me get here. My sister and I (Thanks Jessie!) made a card for Rehab Arizona to thank them for helping me change my life. I wanted to give it to Chris when I had lost 100 lbs, but first I wanted to get 100 signatures.
The Beautiful Card (Thank you Jessie!)
With all the signatures (Thank you to those of you who signed it!!)
And my trainer/friend/coach/mentor opening it.
Thank you CHRIS, Mandy, Jared, Josh, John, Todd, Rich, this list could go ON!
You have changed my life and I will be forever grateful.
100 lbs is a big deal, and the world thinks so too. So first of all, THANK YOU to each and EVERY one of you that has congratulated me on my weight loss, made me feel beautiful, motivated me to keep going, and has kept me up to date on YOUR progress. You make my life so wonderful! I absolutely love when someone tells me I look good because it is a reminder for me to not be so critical of myself. I have recently gotten this nasty habit of playing with the fat roll on my stomach (I'm sure people think I'm a little unstable) and thinking about how gross it is. Then I think about all the other negative things about my body. Then I get depressed. Then someone tells me how great I look and I remember how far I have come and how GRATEFUL I am for this body.
I wish these moments of negativity didn't happen that often, but they DO. A lot. Multiple times a day. One minute I look in the mirror and see little me and feel amazing, and the next I'm looking in the mirror at all my fat and wondering how anyone could think I look good. One minute I am happy to be where I am and I am okay with my body slowing down my weight loss a bit and the next I can't wait to burn 1,000 calories at 4am the next morning and eventually (quickly?!) lose another 50 lbs. It is definitely a roller coaster right now, but you have all helped me to think positive and feel positive.
I think my biggest issue right now is boys. Oh yes, here I go, onto the topic that all the young single adults (YSAs) love and hate. I am fairly certain there are a very limited number of YSAs I know that read this blog, so I feel comfortable sharing :) I also don't embarrass easily. Rampage.... I have lost 100 lbs. I may be slightly heavier than average...but I still look good (this is a moment of positivity :D). In FACT, I think I am smaller than a good number of girls out there who have been on dates and are currently dating. I STILL have not EVER been on a date where a guy legitimately asked me out (this excludes "friend" dates). REALLY?! I think this is where part of the insecurity is coming from. It just needs to happen already so I can get over this frustration and onto the rest of my life. Okay. Rampage done.
On a happier note, I WENT HIKING TODAY! The last time I went on a hike was in January, but I re-injured my ankle on that one, then a week later I injured the OTHER ankle, so I took a break. I got all taped up at RehabAZ yesterday, but some braces on this morning, and set off on my trek up South Mountain. I picked a relatively easy trail with a gradual climb and limited rocks. My ankle was a bit sore during the hike, but I think my adrenalin took over. I may have done a little jogging at the end (shhhh...I'm not supposed to be doing that!) but I did it all INJURY FREE.
Ankles ready to hike!
At the top of the Mormon Loop!
It feels SO good to be back! And now I can slowly start training for a 5k in April (my first!) and a backpacking trip in May. Also, I think I MIGHT be doing a ragnar relay in September, and possibly the Arizona Tough Mudder in February 2014. I LOVE that I can do these things. Well, that I can do them if I keep working, and I am GOING to keep working. My weight loss goals are slowly becoming fitness goals. I still have the weight loss goals, but I have fitness goals now too, and I love it.
I love this. IT IS WORTH IT. This is worth the sugar I didn't eat. It's worth the parties I didn't go to. It's worth the 4am mornings and the workouts twice a day. It's worth the cookies, chocolate, pastries, pasta, pizza, and ice cream I skipped. It's worth the money I spent on new clothes. It's worth the friendships I put on hold because I needed to sleep. It's worth the semester I took off school to focus on breaking bad habits and creating good ones. It's worth the sweat, sore muscles, and complete exhaustion. This WILL be worth it. It will be worth the boys I don't date because they're not ready for me, it will be worth the parties and events I miss because I'm too busy working out, it will be worth the food I choose not to eat, it will be worth 4am mornings 5 times a week, it will be worth the sacrifices I will make. When I reach my goal, ALL of it will be worth it.
The last time I took progress pictures was at 203 lbs, and I wanted to wait until I was another 30 down to do more progress pictures. I am currently at 187.8 lbs, so I will post the front/back/side view pictures when I lose another 15 lbs, however I will try to take a few pics to post before then. My next big goal is to get under 170 because my BMI will then be "overweight" instead of "obese". Less than 20 lbs to go :)
A few of you have told me about your weight loss progress - I would LOVE if you kept me up to date! You can email me (iamforeverstronger@gmail.com), facebook me (Kariann Hibbard), tweet me (karianntweets) or look me up on instagram (khibbard88). I am trying to be better about instagram and tweeting, so please be patient.
Thank you for your continued support, your congratulatory comments, and most importantly, the TIME you take to read this blog. It means so much to be when someone tells me that they follow my blog! If you have any questions or topics you want me to cover please let me know. You can leave a comment in the comment section or use one of the above methods to contact me.
Until next week!
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