Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 32: Lose Yourself

I have become a bit obsessed with music recently. I am starting to run  jog (what? 3 minutes counts...) and I want upbeat music to listen to. I have never enjoyed rap music....until recently. Eminem has a few songs that I love, one of them is "Lose Yourself":

Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

When this song plays I think about everything I am working towards -- my weight loss goals, my fitness goals, my career goals, my dating goals, ALL of it. In that moment, if THAT was my one opportunity, would I slow down? Would I take a break? Would I give up? NO. I would push through. So that's what I do. When this song comes on, I don't stop. It doesn't matter how tired I am, how weak I feel, or how close I am to collapsing, I don't stop.

We all have moments when we want to quit. Moments when we think we could not possibly go a step further. Moments when we are so fed up with trying so hard for so long that we no longer care about the consequences. Those are the moments that define us. Those are the moments that we get to show our strength. Those are the moments that we get to reach out to someone ELSE and help them with their moment. 

My point in this is that reaching your goals (ANY goals) is never going to be easy and there will always be obstacles, but obstacles are not an excuse to quit. Instead, they are an opportunity to get stronger. 

Now for my week :) 

If you don't know who TOM is, read the hints. I'm fine when TOM stays for a few days, but I'm not fine when he's just on his way. Being a woman is hard enough without trying to lose weight when your body is retaining water for no other purpose than to retain water. You cramp, you feel bloated, and you are ridiculously tired. I could BARELY get out of bed on Wednesday, AND it was a 4:30am morning AND I had a 45 minute cardio session calling my name. I reluctantly got up, went to the gym, and managed 30 minutes before I nearly collapsed. I worked 1/2 a day, went home, and SLEPT. These days will happen. They suck, but they happen. I also missed Thursday evening's workout because I got super busy with church stuff (and I may have had a LOT on my mind) and went to a haunted house instead... So, I missed a total of 2.25 workouts.

I'll put the spreadsheet totals up on Monday (I don't have access to excel till then). I was a little nervous for this mornings weigh in. My goal was 3 lbs. 

Last week: 233.2. This week: 230.4. Equals: -2.8.

I'm pleased with that! For missing 2.25 workouts, I will accept this. I still need to average 3lbs/week to hit my big goal, but I can make it up this week. HOWEVER, I get a mani/pedi when I'm under 230 and I BARELY missed it. AND 2 of my friends were going for mani/pedis today. After my 6 mile hike, a subway sandwhich, and some chicken, corn, and pineapple, I decided to weigh myself in again. This does NOT count towards this weeks weigh in, but....

229.6........AAHHHHHH!!!!!! So yes. I got a mani/pedi. 

BUT the most EXCITING part is that I have now lost 60.0 LBS. Honestly, I was terrified that I would get caught in the 50's and wouldn't find a way out. But I am already at 60 LBS. 70 - watch out! I'm on my way!

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