Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I've been a little MIA...

28 weeks. I am at 28 weeks. I cannot believe the last time I posted was 13 weeks. During that 15 weeks I went camping in Alpine, went to Camp Carey in Prescott, drove to Salt Lake and surprised my mama, got the worst sinus infection I have EVER had, and may have become addicted to hiking. 

The sinus infection started with me feeling super dizzy. At work. At home. At the gym (that was awful). I went to the doctor, did an EKG and had blood work done, and was told I was 100% healthy. Two weeks later the sore throat started, followed the next day by a lovely cough in my chest. One week and some antibiotics later the sore throat/nasal/pressure issues were gone, but the lovely cough lingered. And lingered. And lingered some more. I have asthma, which I am SURE is why the cough stuck around so long, but asthma combined with fluid in your lungs creates an inability to breathe when you work out. 

So obviously the working out did not go so well for about a month. But at least I stayed on my nutrition plan right..? Right?? Well...not exactly. I have discovered that I am GREAT at eating the right things when I am working out, but when I am lacking on the exercise I also tend to go off my food plan. I guess I am an all or nothing kind of girl. The good news is that I did not gain any weight, instead I was able to practice maintaining. The bad news is that I will probably not be able to make my goal of being under 200 by January 1, 2013. 

A few weeks ago I decided to try jogging again. When I tried back in April I could jog for MAYBE 30 seconds before the lack of oxygen shut down my muscles. By July I was able to jog for 90 seconds. Somewhere around September 5 I was able to jog for 3 minutes straight. Two days later I tried again (this time WITH the inhaler) and got to 5 minutes. 5 minutes! Ah! That is amazing! I was so proud of myself. Until my knee started hurting. Happy joy. I have now been resting my knee/hamstring for two weeks and am JUST getting to the point where I can use it again. I am excited to use my new running shoes, go on a 5 mile hike, start running bleachers, and test my jogging limits. I found a website that has been super motivational to me. I highly recommend you look at it, especially if like to/want to run.

I am down 13 lbs in 15 weeks. This may not be as high of a number as I wanted, but 13lbs is still weight lost. I am  happy with any fat that comes off my body. I am less than 5 lbs away from losing 50 lbs. Bring it on.

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