Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm back!

My 2 week break turned into a 6 month break and it’s evident on my waistline (and my attitude about life, I am sure). For the last 6 months I have not been as active in going to the gym, I haven’t been hiking as much (I blame medical issues and the Arizona sun for this one), I haven’t been carb cycling, and I’ve consumed my years’ worth of allowable sugar. I think part of the issue was my motivation, but where did that change? I got social. From April 2012 until about March 2013, I didn’t hang out with people, I didn’t go out on dates, I didn’t care about having “friends”. Then I started caring. I met new people. I created friendships I wanted to maintain. I learned that maintaining friendships takes time. I became more interested in boys (I learned that boys take time too, and patience). All the energy I had devoted to my journey to be a better me was now focused on being social. I still haven’t found my healthy balance, but I’m not happy with my waistline, and I’m ready to finally hit that goal.