Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Journey: Week 11

11 weeks. Most people give up during the first week, if not during the first few days. I made it through the first week...and the following ten. The best part is that my motivation has only gotten stronger. This has been a great week, but the two weeks before it were not so great. I got on the scale last Saturday and I was 265, the EXACT same I was two weeks before. WHAT?? Then on Monday.....266.2. UGH. Yes, TOM decided to stay with me for a bit, but still. Come ON. I was trying to drink SO much water so I was sure I was not retaining. Yes, I had been cheating a little more often, but I wasn't eating as bad as I was before I started this. Well, that is why I wasn't gaining, just maintaining. I don't want to maintain. Not yet. I want to lose. If that means no cheating, then so be it. I got frustrated. I got pissed off.

I haven't cheated ONCE since Monday. I have done at least 30 min of cardio every morning and I workout every night (strength 2x/week, cardio 4x/week). I weighed in yesterday at 261.2. I also ran out of water yesterday at work and there was no water in the vending machine, so now I am retaining. Lovely.

I worked a little more closely with a physical therapist this week (instead of a trainer) and we discovered some issues with my ability to fire my glutes. It turns out this is due to my super tight....ass. Yep, I am a tight ass. Not a toned ass mind you, just a tight one. But apparently I am tight everywhere. So, now we are working on massaging out the knots in my quads (I am covered in bruises) to release the pressure on my back/butt. I am thrilled that we found this issue, but I will be even more thrilled when the issue is gone.

I started this journey 11 weeks ago. I wanted to lose 10lbs before I made this blog public (as in...posting it to facebook). Then it became 20lbs, then 30lbs. I am 3lbs shy of 30 (I really hate water weight) but I expect to be there by Monday. So, I am taking my big step and posting my big secret to facebook. This would not be such a big deal if it were posted anywhere else online, but posting to facebook is going public to friends and family, so it's kind of scary.

For the first time readers: I don't promise to be a great blogger. I will post every week (except for the weeks that I don't). My posts will probably not be very interesting, but they will be honest. If it is hard, I'll tell you. If it seems easy, I'll tell you. If I finally get my trainer to double over in pain because I aimed well, I'll tell you that too. The one thing I can promise is that at least once while reading this blog you will think "too much information" because I am not a very private person.

My journey has begun. My motivation is strong. My determination is set. My goal is within reach. I am now an athlete in training.

Signing off --


Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Journey: Week 8

I reformatted my computer about two months ago and my Microsoft Office activation code wouldn't work. I lost the code before I was able to call Microsoft about it. So, I have been using a "trial" version and lost that one about 7 weeks ago. I have been using Microsoft Excel to track my weight and I did not want to do a blog post without it - I hope you didn't miss me too much. Office Works is a free program that is very similar to the XP version of Microsoft Office, and I am now using it. Microsoft Office is so expensive!

7 weeks. Things have gone well, but they definitely could have gone better. I ate a few ice cream sandwiches, some cake, chips and salsa, and pita chips. The worst part wasn't necessarily what I ate, but how much of it I ate. I still need to learn portion control. I need to be better about portioning out my meals instead of eating how much I think is right. I have been working out 2x a week, DEFINITELY not enough. I have been so unmotivated to work out, but that is all changing. See, I have waited 4 months for my new phone. I lost my Samsung Galaxy S2 in Disney's California Adventure back in February and I decided to wait for the Galaxy S3  instead of buying a new phone. That phone comes out in less than 2 weeks. I can't get it until I lose a total of 30lbs. Yesterday I thought I was only 9lbs away. I got on the scale this morning and for the FIRST time since I started this journey the number on the scale was higher today than it was yesterday.....:( :( :( :( :( :(

I am so frustrated.

I know I should be working out more. I know I need to have better portion control. I also know that I am retaining water right now and need to make sure that I am drinking a minimum of 2 Liters a day (which I have not been doing...). I know that the number on the scale reflects the choices I have made, but now I hope it continues to do that. Cardio today and tomorrow. Strength on Monday, cardio on Tuesday, strength on Wednesday, cardio on Thursday. I'm driving to Flag on Friday and I'm going to try and find an LA fitness up there to do strength and cardio.

I will probably not have my new phone on June 21st, but I hope to have it by the end of the month:

I am also frustrated that I only lost 2lbs this week. If I am going to make my goal I need to be averaging 3lbs  per week. With that said, I am still proud of myself. I have never really tried to lose weight. I mean, I have. I've "dieted" and exercised, but I have never tracked my weight. I have never made this much of an effort. I have lost almost 20 lbs (yesterday I HAD lost 20lbs...GRRRR). I don't know that I have ever lost 20lbs. I am excited to see that number continue to creep up, 3lbs a week.